I forgot to mention my return to Japan, 05/12/08.
My Dad dropped me off at the airport. While we were waiting for the flight I saw Gary Lyon-the famous Australian retired footballer and television personality!
I thought I had plenty of time to get to the plane but as I approached the terminal the sign flashed 'last call'. I panicked as I imagined missing the flight, I really would've been up 'shit's creek'. I would've been stuck at the airport for one, I would've had to buy a very expensive ticket and miss work, not to mention all the stress and hassle. It was to my great relief then that the lovely lady told me 'don't worry, you have plenty of time' whoo- that was lucky. Just as we were about to leave the tarmac the flight attendant told us that he could smell marijuana and he was calling security, for some reason security never showed up, probably too lazy.
After 3 three hours of mainly sleep we arrived in Cairns. Just waited around and bought a muffin. The flight from Cairns to Osaka was long, I couldn't sleep and my cold was giving me trouble. I was relieved when I arrived at Osaka, Nishi Nari actually seemed good as I approached my apartment building. I bought some food and ate my first meal of the day at about 9.30-happy to be back.