Yesterday I was feeling a little worse for wear. The previous night we went to a bar for New Years Eve. The last 15 minutes before the stroke of midnight the drink prices dropped to 100 yen-enough said. I woke to the site of my flatmate sleeping in the corridor. Judging from the groans he emitted I drew the conclusion that he was really suffering.
We went with Stu to his friends' place near the Kansai airport at 4.30. We ate traditional New Years Japanese food and watched Die Hard 4.0. The five of us slept in the same room, we got through the night without incident for which I was grateful. I caught a terrible cold but thankfully I slept well. Today we went to a the Rinku factory outlets, geez I was suffering. Got home, bought a ton of food, green tea and lemon drinks. I think I'll just sleep this weekend.
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