
Big Weekend

The Okinawan band at the work hanami in Yao City.

Had to fill in at work on Saturday, fortunately that mostly entailed having a picnic under the cherry blossoms. They had an Okinawan band which was nice. They even made me play the drums. That type of music is great. Afterwards I came home, I was absolutely stuffed. I needed to sleep but I somehow convinced myself to go on a pub crawl with the others. The first 4 bars around Umeda were great but after that things went downhill. Busted noses, bloody elbows etc, not mine luckily. On the upside-there was bingo. Anyway, by the end of it I was ready for sleep-big time. The next day we struggled out of bed to Stew's hanami at Osaka Castle. I've been getting headaches, from hayfever I believe. The hanami was great, the flowers are falling at this time, they should be gone in a few days. There was tons of food and drink, badminton, frisbee and Aussie rules football. At one stage some 'idol' girl came to promote her blog, she was on fire, she came out of nowhere, doing some futuristic robot song and dancing around the place.
Probably the highlight of the day.

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