We weren´t off to a good start in Phnom Penh, the customs official was a bit of a weasel, he actually asked me to hurry up and then wanted money for a visa. As we left the airport we were hit by Cambodia-50 tuk tuk drivers yelling at us, we had no idea what was going on, finally we chose one. The driver was the biggest legend and he knew a lot about Cambodian history, either that or he was making it all up. The travel on the tuk tuk was relaxing and fun but also very polluted, we also had to hold our bags close, otherwise some scallywag might grab it off you (thanks Lonely Planet)
The hotel was OK but I think it was located in the ghetto of Phnom Penh, there were huge piles of rubbish lying around and a market with some dodgy looking food. We strolled down to the main bar area along the river, without the hassling it would be nice, children selling books, tuk tuk drivers, theres just too much hassling, it wears you out. Even in bars and restaurants.
We saw the lovely temple at the heart of Phnom Penh.
Two other things that made the trip woth w
There was a really cool temple with many faces carved into it, Cambodian achitecture is very impressive and unique. Hassling reached a zenith at this place, everywhere you went, it was exhausting and they are so desperate, they never give up. Whilst I understand it, I really wasn´t expecting it. My tuk tuk driver taught me a trick-give a lolly to the kids, then they go run away happy, this backfired a bit, I gave one of the kids a lolly and then from nowhere about 20 kids and 10 tuk tuk drivers had me surrounded in a frenzy, I´ve never seen anything like it, that was the end of that bag!
I was very happy that I saw those things in Cambodia, but it really wasn´t as I expected it to be. Still, a good experience. We
Bottom 2 pictures are at Ayutthaya
We went to Ayutthaya on the second last day. I bit city near Bangkok with many old temples scattered about, It was enjoyable. A little like Siem Reap.
I returned a week early because I run out of money after those 2 and a half weeks.
I´ve enjoyed it in Melbourne more than I expected, however I have had a cold for most of the time, therefore I haven´t done too much.
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