
Beer Garden

Today for the first time I went to a beer garden.
The day started off quite slow, I slept in and missed work, unfortunately my alarm didn`t wake me up. I also went to International House but they had a convention on. The day wasn`t looking so good.
At least I was getting exercise from riding my mama chari. Went home for a bit and did some Japanese study, I really have to improve, also watched `Freinds`-I never appreciated how good that show was until I couldn`t understand anything else.
Met up with my student at 7pm, we went to the Hankyu beer garden-unluckily it started pouring with rain.

The rain came on so suddenly it was absolute chaos, we had to leave the beer and meat behind, sadly they didn`t make it, we had to leave them behind.
Left there and went to a restaurant in Umeda, bloody good food-sushi, beef, noodles and lots of grog(alcohol) めっちゃたのしRode home fro Umeda at 11.30.

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