Today I set out for Sannomiya, Kobe, about 30 minutes from Umeda. I went because there was no work today and therefore I was bloody bored. I had two options-get out and do something or sit on my arse and watch `Freinds` season 1 like Tuesday, damn was that a horrible experience-by the the time I left the flat I felt like jelly.
I headed off at 4, good train ride. Got to kobe and some old bloke nearly had a go at my because I got in his way, he mumbled something I couldn`t understand and then kept walking. I had no real plan so I just walked around. Eventually stumbled upon the old Foreigner settlement which I`ve always wanted to see.
The above was taken in front the Weathercock house. Unfortunately all the houses were closed off so I couldn`t go inside.
At this point I hadn`t talked to anyone in about 6 hours and was starting to talk and sing to myself, I figured it was time to find a bar.
Pretty difficult but eventually I found a cheap place.
Pretty difficult but eventually I found a cheap place.

Slammed back 3 beers then tried to call my freind Dante Sugar, not home so I went to a different place. Not so good so I decided to call it a day.
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