I haven't written in a while because my internet was out of action for a week. I don't have too long left in Japan so I've been preparing for my departure. I bought a ticket for Bangkok which is very exciting, I also have to get the visa.
On Friday we went to Kyoto for the Aoi festival where they dress up in very old style costumes and parade through the streets. Friday night I went to see my friend Giordan, we ate dinner at his house, his mum is such a good cook. I stayed with them when I first came to Osaka so it was great seeing them. After dinner we went to Giordan's friends izakaya/club hybrid, with sharks, lobsters and fish swimming around. I was so tired after that and I returned at about 1.
Yesterday we had footy training at Mayashima island, near Universal studios. We did some drills then played a practice game. Afterwards I headed for Stew's Working Holiday party for my farewell. The food was so good. Many people were there, including a French Canadian, a Pommy and a Kiwi.
Some of my fiends signed me a card and gave me a few gifts which was nice. I got 2 Osaka nike tshirts from Daisuke and a caritature potrait from Mizuha.
Today I slept until 2 then went for a run, and studied. I feeling a bit strange about leaving Japan, I'm sure I'll get reverse culture shock when I leave. One things for sure- I'll miss the service in Japan, it's so great, over here the customer is king. I'll also miss the tv ads, they're so entertaining and quirky.
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